Saturday, May 8, 2010

A Puddle Jumpers Advert

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  1. HI everyone Sorry I have taken so long to respond to the lovely picture of the girls you really should try and get intouch with the manufactures and see if they would like the picture for their advertising. There are also some good pics on the beach. Can you send the pic to me via email. I hope you get this as I have had trouble sending it. We have been quite busy. Yesterday we went to Fowey for the Festival unforunately the person we had tickets to see cancelled but we had a lovely day nevertheless. Margaret was coming with us but she is stuck in Spain because of the ash cloud and wont be back until Sunday. I hope you are all ok and the girls are being good, especially at night!! I am missing them and you and the weather as it has been very cold here.
    dad has gone to the boat this evening with Ben to start getting it ready for the summer. I hope it warms up or I wont be going on it.
    Well dears must dash and get the dinner on will try and call over the weekend. Thanks K for keeping the blog going its great being able to see the girls and know what they are getting up to.
    Lots of love to you all Angela xx

  2. Well we just received our first comment! Thanks Angela! xxxx from all of us
